Two Lives

5-9-02 Fate; that great controller of things to be,Around two souls has worked his wondrous net,Has bought one from lands across the sea,Has made two lives one, where; had they never met,They’d have lived their lives in a half hearted kind of way.Never known of love, strong, fierce; that hold the heart in sway. It […]
Sweethearts of Old

Written to Marie from Las Palmas 3rd Sept 02 In days of old when knights were bold,They fought; for maidens fair,With lance and shield and axe they’d weild [wield]Midst kings and princes there.The victor then would take his menAnd claim his bonnie bride.On his warhorse might he’d clasp her tight,And she ne’er would quit his […]
A Fair Maiden

An open hearted maiden true and fair.Her heart is pure as snow.Her love in higher loves endureAnd is of sovereign nature, that I know.With such a fervent flame of human loveNever maiden glowed before.Her heart is like the well contented dove.And will cling to me for evermore Low is her voice but ? mysterious wayTo […]
Wrote this in a friend’s birthday book

Alex Palace 25-8-02 Friends have met to part againAnd though it may be forever everTheir hearts will still remain the sameAnd their friendship ne’er will sever.
Written while visiting relatives

about the latter part of July 02 I’m in a very despondent mood,I’ve got more work than I really couldPerform in a year, much less a week;For new relations I’m going to pack.Whom I’ve never seen and wish that IMay never see them until I die.I’m tired of life, yes, that is true;Lord take me […]
The Briton

18-5-02 A Night Attack Dark is the night and drear the storm,And a human life is onward borneTo victory or the grave.The rifles crack, the cannons roar.And he may ne’er see daylight more,But he’s no craven knave.He charges on, his battle cryResounds like a trumpet from the sky,Midst the wounded and the slain.He knows no […]
The Coronation Crowd

The Volunteers

18-5-02 Maitland: Cape Town WE
The Gallant D.M.T

This tells of a certain class who weremembers of the DMT. March 1902 Did you ever hear of the gallant D.M.Ts,They are the most gallant set that you ever I did see.They are all splendid fighters, shots, and riders too,For none can join the D.M.T. unless an exam he’s gone through. They are such stalwart […]
The Ride to Burgersdorp

March 1902(From)40 miles It had been raining very hard for something like a weekAnd the road from here to Burghersdorp was not at all a treatFor two days after the rains had stopped the clouds were hanging lowAnd the mud was nearly axle deep for the road was drying slow. It was on 27th March […]