Transcribing the Journal and Poems

William English’s Journal and his poems are presented in both original and transcribed form. The Journal covers William’s life from 1875 to his death in 1915. Large sections were probably written retrospectively.

The transcribed versions have links and popups which provide further information about locations, events and family that William describes.

The following system was used in transcribing the Journal:

  • words typed exactly as they are written in the Journal. This includes capitalisation, abbreviations, names, dates, and even misspelled words.
  • every attempt was made to match the format of the original, but this was not possible in all circumstances.
  • punctuation is as in the original, even if it is incorrect.
  • crossed out text is included.
  • words that are difficult to make out are recorded as [illegible].
  • clarification of text is recorded in brackets. For example: Jobg [Johannesburg]

The views expressed by William are his and reflect his attitudes and the norms of the time.