1907 | |
Feb 23rd | Sunk Kloof shaft at Witwatersrand North to a depth of 601 feet |
March 7th | Shaft down to 610 feet and 10 feet of drive west at 600’ |
Started machines in the drive, drove about 20’ then x [cross] cut N[orth]. and S[outh]. North x [cross] cut about 70’ South x [cross] cut about 500’, drives right and left along S[outh] x [cross] cut and then other x [cross] cuts N[orth] & S[outh]. | |
April 1st | Started on contract machines at Kloof shaft £2 a foot Gel [gelignite] £3 a case |
April 30th | Compressor broke down, piston rod broken. |
May 4th | Compressor repaired, started work again |
June 10th | Compressor valve broke |
“ 14th | “ repaired. Went to hear Mark Hambourg play at Jobg [Johannesburg] |
June 15th | Started work again today |
Aug 2nd | Gave in my notice at Kloof shaft. Price cut 5/- a foot. |
Sept | Rode in sports at Wanderers new ground Krugersdorp. Had bad luck September sports I was off scratch was giving big starts in 1st race 1 mile overhauled leader when chain [illegible] off; in 3 mile off scratch front cog buckled up. |
Nov 9th | Ditto Won a set of carvers for lap prize 10 miles. |
Dec 16th | Rode in Pretoria Jobg [Johannesburg] Diamond Road Race, but burst tyre ½ mile from start. 84 gear. Won by Coetzee; was giving him 4 minutes start. In a trial over the distance 45 miles time 2 hours 7 minutes gear 74. Coetzee’s time 2 hours 19 minutes. (Steepest part 1 in 4) |
Nov 17th | Sunday On this date I rode up Mulders Drift Hill ^without dismounting on a Rudge Whitworth “speed iron” geared to 65” with 7” cranks. Length of steepest part of hill = 1, 066 yards measured from danger board at top, time 6 minutes 14 seconds. Witnessed by Mr J Hinks, manager for Shimwell and Co Krugersdorp. This hill has been ridden up only once before, by Harvey Lewis in 1898. Machine geared to 56” with 8” cranks. |