The Grade of Mulders Drift Hill

Start about 4 miles north of Krugersdorp.

Angles measured with clinometer Sunday 17th November 1907. On this date I rode up the hill, that is the portion worth calling hill on a Rudge Whitworth “speed iron” 65 gear, 7” cranks, Mr J Hinks witness and timekeeper.

The full length of the hill from the bend on the flat to the top is 1 mile 540 yards.

The upper and steeper portion is 1,066 yards long, the lower portion averaging about 1 in 20.

1,066 yards from the top near ^near danger board the grade commences with

200 yards=1 in 7
75 “=1 in 4 ½
25 “=1 in 4
100 “=1 in 10
200 “covered with stones=1 in 6
100 “=1 in 4 ½ sharp stiff bend at the top of this
100 “=1 in 5
100 “=1 in 6
66 “=1 in 8
100=1 in 12-10 top

Time = 6 minutes 14 seconds, finished well and fresh. I was within a month of 32 years of age.

This hill has only been conquered once before, which was done by Harvey Lewis in 1898. Lewis was Manager for Shimwell Bros Krugersdorp, and was a great friend of mine, being my starter in all or most of my important bicycle races. Lewis rode an Aerial bicycle with 52 gears and 8” cranks. This was for a £10 bet, and one of the witnesses was Mr [Mooney?] at that time employed by May and Lewis, Krugersdorp.