Wed 8th Jan 08I proposed the name of The West Rand Cycling Club at a meeting at Varley’s Hotel. Carried, but subsequently altered to Krugersdorp Wanderers Cycle and Motor Cycle Club.
Jan 14thStarted work sinking at Mynpacht Randfontein
Jan 23rdApplied to Mr Hawkins Manager Champ d’Or for situation as mine overseer.
April 10thMoved from Champ d’Or to seam at Mynpacht Randfontein Central
17th April 1908At Krugersdorp. I rode in sports, 10 mile, won second lap prize, silver cigarette case. Charley Irvine 1st lap prize. I lost by the counting of one half lap only. We lapped several riders, and almost lapped the field, when I had a bad time and Charley being disinclined to keep up the pace untill I recovered, allowed the field to catch us.
1st SeptFather moved to Farm Sterkfontein 68
Sept 9th WedLast shift at Mynpacht
“ 10thStarted sinking at Main West Shaft (No 3)
12ft below 3rd level station                         Changed to No 8
Oct 1st ThursdayStopped Main West (No3/No8) this morning and recommenced cutting No3 Station (This station was already at 12 feet when I started and the shafts was a few feet (about 12) below it at that time) shaft was about 80’ below No3. Father’s finished today, I worked double shift.
Oct 2ndClark started sinking at West Shaft
Oct 5th Sat [day wrong for date]Restarted sinking main West Shaft (No3) after 4 days cutting station No3
Oct 14thStopped sinking and started driving No4 station 30’ x 12’
“ “Bought two young red bullocks from McNab auctioneer £15.10
15th OctMcNab (Duncan) finished up at West shaft
16th Oct FridayS. Lane started in McNab’s place at West shaft
20th “ TuesdayRestarted sinking West shaft (No3/No8) after finishing No4 station 30’x12’x22’
21st “Started 8 hitches below No4 station
1st NovNo3 West shaft bottom 48’ below 4th station
9th Nov King’s Birthday . Started 8 ??? at 74’ below 4th station
24th NovStarted 5th station No3 Shaft
30th “Finished 5th station
3rd DecCommenced 10 hitches below 5th station
11th Dec FriCommenced cutting box hole 50’ below 5th station
14th “ MonStopped No3 West shaft commenced squaring out 5th station
15th Dec TuesStarted driving No 4th level station x [cross] cut ^to start drives and x [cross] cut x [cross] cut and cutting large pump chamber