Dec 17thRestarted sinking No3 West shaft now No8. Sunk to about 85 feet below 5th level. Now stopped to develop No4 and 5 levels
Work done in No3 West shaft in November
West shaft sunk 100 feet 30’ x 8’ at £8=£800
16 hitches cut at £1=£16
5th level station cut 4456 cu ft at 7d=£129..
24 cases Gelatine at £5=£120..0..0
37 p[ac]k[e]ts fuse at 25/-=46..5..0
25 boxes detonators at 5/-=7..0.0
2899 Native labour=346..15.0
“ “ food=144..19..0
945 .. 19..4
664 .. 19..0
£281 .. 0..4
Work done in No3 Shaft for December£sd
West shaft sunk 80 feet @ £8=640.0.0
Drilling N and S drives at 5th level = 13 @ 32/6=21..2.2
“ x cut of 5th level 6@ @ 35/-=10.10..
“ x cut at 4th level 13’ @ 35/-=22..150
Cutting pump chamber at 4th level 1030 cu ft @7d=30..10
“ bore hole below 5th level 800cu ft @ 7d=23..6.8
18 hitches at £118.0.0
Enlarging No5 station 575 cu ft16.15.5
23rd DecMy father died at Sterkfontein [illegible] date, and was buried at Krugersdorp 24th Dec. I am carrying on the farm as usual