1910 Continued

I last saw the head of Halley’s Comet in the east before sunrise on the 15th May. The head rose above the horizon at 5-30am, the tail being above at an angle of about 70o, of enormous length, seemed to reach away into the heavens, almost vertical above us, and spreading at a very slight angle, about 7 or 8 degrees only. On 16th May, the head hadn’t risen at 6am when it was too light now to see the comet. On day of 19th the comet was last [seen] by astronomers, and must have been about level with our horizon at sunset, as I saw it on evening of 20th in the west, immediately after sunset, when the tail was almost pointing towards the earth. The head was of the second magnitude, the tail 11 deg[rees] long. When the comet was in the east and just above the horizon, the tail was at least 70 deg[ree] long[itude].