1910 Continued
and simply rended itself to pieces; then a shower of stones lumps of iron, wood etc. kept up the racket for a minute after, when everything was silent. I thought everyone was killed but myself, when I heard my helper Mc Court speak. I was suddenly spurred into activity, and slid down the runners of the north cage expecting to find a mass of pulp in the bottom, but I couldn’t see a sign of blood in the water, the first thing I looked for. I found Mc Court buried under a heap of kaffirs, and also Stevens, some of them nearly white with terror. I counted the boys and found not a soul hurt. The shaft is 30’ long by 8’ wide.
Feb 5thStarted shiftbossing at Ferguson Randfontein on this date. No9 shaft
March 8thI told my wife not to chew the rag
March 9th Sold off the house of furniture realised £165
March 15thMy wife Mary ^with Henry and Willie left Krugersdorp by mail train for Cape Town, White House Hotel en route for England per Balmoral Castle.
March 21st WednesdayThey sailed for England
April 8th SaturdayThey arrived home on this date
DecemberNo 9 Shaft. Acting Mine Capt[ain] for one month untill Ben Edwards came from Block A