Aug 25thHad a blizzard, fearfully cold. I had to go back to the house knocked up, no work today Very ill until 28th Aug
Aug 29thWent to work Saturday, but unfit
Off work until 16th September
3rd SeptemberWent into Johannesburg to Mr McPherson 7-19 Louise Buildings Phone 1967 and had an X-ray plate taken of my chest, a lot of dust in lungs
Aug 27thWent to see the Doctor at Randfontein Hospital Drs Martin and Sykes examined me. This verdict “bad”. Phthisis
Sept 9thSaw Dr Martin
“ 9thSaw Mr Wonnacott same day
Sept 16thSaw Mr Wonnacott who has kindly fixed me up in a fresh air mine East Reef No 11 shaft
Block A Mine is absolutely unsuitable for me, being upcast for Robinson Randfontein and the Mynpacht
Sept 17thStarted work at East Reef No11, feel pretty weak. Recuperating
Oct 29thOff work till Sat 21st but very bad. Violent attacks of asthma.
Nov 2ndWorked night shift
“ 3rd“ “ very ill
“ 5thSent for Dr Butt to the house 53 Van Wyk St W K. He advised me to leave the mines, Phthisis very bad
“ 9thI received discharge and blasting certificate from the Mine Office Randfontein Central
“ 13thDr Butt sent them in to the Phthisis Board for compensation
“ 25thHave been examined by Drs Stewart and Van Der Merwe of Krugersdorp, the Government doctors re Phthisis compensation
Dec 11thReceived a letter to attend at Winchester House on this date to interview the Phthisis Board. Many questions by the Board. Tenure in Phthisis mines reduced to ten years out of 17 1/2. The following mines that I worked at are not on the list of Phthisis mines:-
Continued 4 pages ahead