13th December 1904
30th December 1904
Started at South Randfontein G. M. (Randfontein Central) Timbering. H Oliver Mine Capt. Was sent for to sink Promise shaft
1st January 1905
31st March 1906
Started at Promise shaft, North Witwatersrand (Count de Waru) sinking with boys sunk shaft about 100’ to the 300’ level then started x [cross] cutting and driving with machines. Started the machines 19th May 1905.
Sailed for England April 5th 1906 at Durban.
Arrived back 17th Sept 1906
2nd Nov 1906
12th Nov 1906
Started at Lancaster G. M. stoping with machines. Chinese helpers. Was sent for to sink Kloof shaft.
13th Nov 1906
2nd Aug 1907
Started sinking at Kloof Shaft, Witwatersrand North. (Count de Wanu) Sunk shaft from 450′ to 610′. The started x cutting and driving with machines. Started machines March 1907.
First class reference from Count du Wanu himself.
5 ½ months off work racing etc. Fortnight prospecting on Golden Kopje,
14th January 1908
Randfontein Central
10th Sept 1908
Randfontein Central
18th Sept 1909
Randfontein Central
5th Feb 1911
Randfontein Central
Started sinking at Mynpacht shaft Randfontein Central, very wet shaft; sunk shaft from 5th level around the bend. H Oliver acting Manager. Also did 3 months hard labour development.
Transferred to sink the West shaft, now No 8. Sunk this shaft from 3rd level to bottom of the bend (204’ bend) to a depth of 950’. Shaft stopped to erect new headgear.
Transferred to No 4 shaft, new No 9. The shaft was standing at 70’ from the surface, new headgear up. Sunk this shaft to the bottom of the Rand (240’ bend)
Started shiftbossing for Ben Edwards at No 9 shaft
December 1911Acting Mine Captain No 9 shaft for a couple of weeks until Edwards came from Block A
Feb-March 1912Acting Mine Capt[ain] No 9 shaft for a month when Mr Horwood, Manager, took over
9th April 1912Promoted to Mine Captain No 9 just when the general smash up occurred in the head office, when the Central was taken over by Mr Ferguson
20th April 1912No 9 shaft stopped, all boys etc transferred to No 8
1st May 1912Transferred to No 8 shaft shift Bossing. J. Ellery Mine Capt[ain]