Our tenant, a certain Rowe, in 59 Dekker St has done a bunk, and done us out of two months rent, and Goldberg has taken the furniture, and they have, amongst them, left the place in a most filthy condition.
Phillips & Osmond have served a summons on J Rowe to appear at 28-4-15, but he has agreed to pay £3 per month.
20-4-14 Have been notified by Phillips Osmond that the Power of Attorney from Papenhagen, in Australia has arrived. Went to their Office Ockerse St Krugersdorp and met Mr Adam, the prospective purchaser of the two houses stand 609 (Van Wyk St) West Krugersdorp. Found that Carter the agent had not [illegible] interest on Adam’s unpaid money. Adam consented to pay 5% per annum. He pays for transfer, new bond with Papenhagen, and a bond to protect myself after Papenhagen’s bond is paid off; it now stands at £250 plus 8% per annum; the houses to go to Adam for £500 plus 5% per annum or £450, fifty pound having already been deposited, twenty five of which was claimed by Carter the agent.
14th April
Whilst at No 8 shaft, I had a telephone message from the Phthisis Board saying that my request for an advance of £100 had been granted. This is what I call the 11th hour and a little added to it, the money to Papenhagen being due on 15th. The cheque did not come until about the 18th. This after going to the expense of a bond £6-10, on 59 Dekker St house and 5% for the first year; this could have been saved if they had